About CHS Soccer - Girls

Central High School is part of the Knox County School system and is located in the Fountain City community of Knoxville. Established in 1906, Central is the oldest and most diverse public high school in the district. Central has the largest English Language Learner population in the district. In 2015, Central implemented a Students with Interrupted Formal Education Program and today it is one of the most successful programs in the state. In addition to a robust CTE and Fine Arts Program, Central offers a strong academic program which includes seventeen Honors and twenty-one Advanced Placement classes. In 2017, Central students took over 219 AP exams and earned over 380 college credit hours in our Dual Credit Program. Central’s ACT composite average has increased to 20.1 with over 15 students earning a 30 or better on the ACT Exam. Additionally, our 2017 graduates earned over 13.4 million dollars in scholarship offers. Finally, we have worked hard to build relationships and unify the Central Feeder Pattern and today we can state that we are Central Proud and Fountain City Strong.


Pride and Tradition 

Vision Statement

Central High School: Maximizing the talents and potential of all

Unifying a community

Striving for excellence

Establishing positive relationships 

Mission Statement

Our Central High School family will create a positive learning environment that recognizes individual diversity and promotes academic rigor and integrity while enabling students to maximize their academic or vocational potential to be a successful citizen in a global community.

School Goals

Improve academic growth and achievement of all students, including all subgroups

Increase the graduation rate

Focus staff development on student achievement and growth

Increase parental and community involvement and continue to develop positive relationships with all stakeholders

